Pet Surgery
Common procedures include spays and neuters, soft tissue surgery, growth removals, etc. We are also equipped to perform orthopedic procedures via a mobile surgeon.
All surgeries are proceeded by an examination and pre-anesthetic blood-work to ensure your pet is healthy enough to handle anesthesia. During surgery they are maintained on IV fluids, kept warm and monitored by an experienced technician to assure your pet’s safety. Post surgery, our patients are recovered under watchful eyes and provided any necessary pain management. Safety and pain management are our top priorities here at Hillsboro Veterinary Clinic.
Our doctors are trained to perform many procedures including: spay and neuter, pyometra, gastropexy, umbilical hernia repair, cystotomy, vulvoplasty, brachycephalic nares, laceration repair, mass removals, entropion, cherry eye repair, and oral surgery.
Before any anesthetic procedure, our doctors require bloodwork and may recommend other diagnostics. This helps ensure your pet is healthy and can help rule out underlying issues that may complicate the procedure.
Your pet is monitored by experienced technicians throughout their entire stay with us; before, during and after the procedure. We prioritize making sure your pet is comfortable while they are here and when they go back home with you.
Schedule An Appointment
We strive to be available to your and your pets when you need us. We offer scheduled wellness and sick visits as well as urgent care visits if your pet suddenly falls ill.
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